
Dr. Karel L. Sterckx
Director BU-CROCCS
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Address : BU-CROCCS, 6th floor, school of Engineering, Rangsit campus
Keyword : Communication theory, Software Defined Communication Systems, 3D display,
Optical wireless communication
Optical wireless communication
Recent Publications : 1. K. L. Sterckx , “On the Feasibility of Converting Commercial LED Spotlights into Transmitters for Pulse Modulated VLC Signals, Proceedings of the National Conference on Optics and Applications (NCOA-7), Bangkok, Thailand,(2012)
2. K. L. Sterckx , Implementation of Continuous VLC Modulation Schemes on Commercial LED Spotlights, Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference Organized by Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI) Association, Thailand, Hua Hin, Thailand, 16-18 May(2012)
3. M. Sohail, K.L. Sterckx, and P. Saengudomlert , Linear analog current modulation on light emitting diodes in optical wireless communications, in Proc. iEECON 2014, Thailand, 19-21 Mar (2014)
4. M. Sohail, P. Saengudomlert, and K.L. Sterckx , Performance analysis of dynamic range limited DCO-OFDM, ACO-OFDM and flip-OFDM transmissions for visible light communication, IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E97-B, no. 10, pp. 2192-2202(2014)
5. E. Sauvage, P. Saengudomlert, and K.L. Sterckx , Optimized implementation of a dual mode OFDM OWC transmitter, IET Optoelectronics, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 232-238, Dec(2014)
2. K. L. Sterckx , Implementation of Continuous VLC Modulation Schemes on Commercial LED Spotlights, Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference Organized by Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI) Association, Thailand, Hua Hin, Thailand, 16-18 May(2012)
3. M. Sohail, K.L. Sterckx, and P. Saengudomlert , Linear analog current modulation on light emitting diodes in optical wireless communications, in Proc. iEECON 2014, Thailand, 19-21 Mar (2014)
4. M. Sohail, P. Saengudomlert, and K.L. Sterckx , Performance analysis of dynamic range limited DCO-OFDM, ACO-OFDM and flip-OFDM transmissions for visible light communication, IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E97-B, no. 10, pp. 2192-2202(2014)
5. E. Sauvage, P. Saengudomlert, and K.L. Sterckx , Optimized implementation of a dual mode OFDM OWC transmitter, IET Optoelectronics, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 232-238, Dec(2014)
Biography : Dr. Sterckx received an MAEE in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 1986 from Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen, Belgium. In 1997, he received the M.Sc. degree in Optoelectronics and Communication Systems from Northumbria University and Ph.D. degree in 2000 from Swansea University. His doctoral thesis was in the field of optical wireless communications. In 2010, he joined the school of engineering at Bangkok University as a research scholar. At present he is serving as Director of BU-CROCCS, as well as the ECTI Technical Chair (Electronics).