
Dr. Worawat Choensawat
Assistant professor, School of Science and Technology
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Address : BU-MIT, Bangkok University
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Recent Publications : Journals:
2013 Worawat Choensawat and Piruna Polsiri: Financial Institution Failure Prediction using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems: Evidence from the East Asian Economic Crisis, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.17, No.1, pp.83-92
2013 Payon Krainuyachan, Worawat Choensawat, and Don Isarakorn: Investigating the Effectiveness of BU WebEx System, KMITL Science and Technology Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2013, pp 22-27
2013 วรวัฒน์ เชิญสวัสดิ์: ระบบการสืบค้นจากเนื้อหาของข้อมูลจับความเคลื่อนไหวของท่าเต้นรำ, วารสารวิชาการสมาคมสถาบันอุดมศึกษาเอกชนแห่งประเทศไทย ฉบับวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี, ปีที่ 1 ฉบับที่ 1, หน้า 30-40, 2013
2012 W. Choensawat and K. Hachimura: "Autonomous Dance Avatar for Generating Stylized Dance Motion from Simple Dance Notations",The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.41 No.4, 2012, pp. 366 - 370
2012 W. Choensawat, W. Choi, and K. Hachimura: "Similarity Retrieval of Motion Capture Data Based on Derivative Features", Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 13-23, January 2012
2010 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, W. Choi, and K. Hachimura: "Description and Reproduction of Stylized Traditional Dance Body Motion by Using Labanotation", Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, Vol.15, No.3, pp.379-388, September 2010
2007 K. Sookhanaphibarn, P. Polsiri, W. Choensawat, Application of neural networks to business bankruptcy analysis in Thailand, International Journal Computational Intelligence Research, Volume/Issue, 3/1 , pp. 91-96, 2007
International Proceedings:
2013/08 Jirawat Chomputawat, Worawat Choensawat, and Don Isarakorn: An Approach for Generating Labanotation from Motion Capture Data, In Proc. International Conference on Engineering,Applied Sciences, and Technology (ICEAST 2013), Thailand, pp. 191-195, 2013
2013/08 Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn, Worawat Choensawat, Chommanad Kijkhun, and Kozaburo Hachimura. “Toward a New Educational Tool for Thai Dance”, The 28th Biennial Conference of the International Council of Kinetography Laban/Labanotation, York University, Toronto, Canada, July 31 to August 7, 2013
2013/07 Worawat Choensawat, Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn, Chommanad Kijkhun, and Kozaburo Hachimura, “Desirability of a Teaching and Learning Tool for Thai Dance Body Motion”, In Proc. of International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2013), Las Vegas, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8013, pp. 171–179, 2013
2012/08 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, and Kozaburo Hachimura and K. Hachimura: "LabaNOHtation: Laban meets Noh", SIGGRAPH 2012, USA, ISBN978-1-4503-1435-0/12/0008, 2012(8)
2012/02 W. Choensawat and K. Hachimura: "Generating Stylized Dance Motion from Labanotation by Using an Autonomous Dance Avatar", In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, GRAPP2012, Rome, Italy, pp. 535--542, Feb 24-26, 2012
2011/10 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, and K. Hachimura: "The Use of Labanotation for Choreographing a Noh-Play", In Proceedings of International Conference on Culture and Computing 2011, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 167- 168, October 20-22, 2011
2011/6 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, and K. Hachimura: "A Labanotation Editing Tool for Description and Reproduction of Stylized Traditional Dance Body Motion", Abstracts of Digital Humanities 2011 (DH2011), Stanford, USA, pp. 296- 299, June 19-22, 2011
2010/6 W. Choensawat, W. Choi, K. Hachimura : Realistic Expression of Body Motion and Environments in LabanEditor; Nicograph International 2010., 2010/6/18-2010/6/19, pp. 49-51, Singapore
2010/3 W. Choensawat, W. Choi, H. Sekiguchi, K. Hachimura: Improved Segmentation of Motion Capture Data using SMOTE; Proceedings of the IEEJ Image Electronics and Visual Computing Workshop 2010,2010/3/5 – 2010/3/7, 4 pages, Nice, France
2009/12 Worawat Choensawat, Woong Choi, and Kozaburo Hachimura: A Quick Filtering for Similarity Queries in Motion Capture Databases; Bangkok, Thailand, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5879, Springer Verlag, pp. 404 – 415, 2009(12)
2009/12 W. Choensawat, K. Hachimura : Segmentation of Motion Capture Data Using Neural Networks;, International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2009, 2009/12/1 – 2009/12/2, National Taiwan University – Taipei, Taiwan
2007 Lakesha L. Ruffin, Frank C. Lin, Worawat Choensawat, Worapat Prireekreng, Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn: Diagnosis of Children with ADD/ADHD using a Recurrent Hopfield Net; The Third Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications (Shanghai NSA'07)
2006 K. Sookhanaphibarn, P. Polsiri, W. Choensawat, and F. C. Lin "Application of Neural Networks to Business Bankruptcy Analysis in Thailand", Proceeding of The 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'06), October 2-6, 2006.
2006 W. Choensawat, P. Polsiri, and K. Sookhanaphibarn, "Predicting Financial Institution Failure with Financial and Ownership Variables using Logit and Neural Networks: Evidence from the East Asian Crisis",Proceeding of Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems, (SCIS&ISIS'06), September 20-24, 2006.
National Proceedings:
2012/11 Minako Nakamura, Worawat Choensawat, Kozaburo Hachimura: "The evaluation of LabanEditor3 from a dance researcher's perspective: the case study of Classical Ballet in Labanotation class", Jinmonkon2012 (The computers and the humanities 2012), IPSJ Symposium Series Vol. 2012, No.7, pp. 111-116, Hokkaido University, Japan
2012/12 Worawat Choensawat and Kozaburo Hachimura: Dance-Style Knowledge for Generating Dance Body Motion from Dance Notation, Proc. the 35th Electrical Engineering Conference, EECON35, pp. 366-370, 2012, Thailand
2010/12 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, W. Choi, and K. Hachimura: "Description and Reproduction of Noh Body Motion by Using Labanotation", Jinmonkon2010, IPSJ Symposium Series Vol. 2010, No.15, pp. 285-290, Japan
Academic Workshops:
2010/10 W. Choensawat, W. Choi, and K. Hachimura: “ Data Filtering with Minimal Bounding Envelope for Similarity Retrieval of Motion Capture Data”, The 6th Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics (MPR2010), Kyushu University Ito Campus, Japan, 2010 (Poster)
2010/9 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, W. Choi, and K. Hachimura: "Description and Reproduction of Stylized Traditional Dance Body Motion by Using Labanotation", The BUAA-Ritsumeikan Workshop on Computer Science and Technology, Beihang University, China, 2010 (Poster)
2013 Worawat Choensawat and Piruna Polsiri: Financial Institution Failure Prediction using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems: Evidence from the East Asian Economic Crisis, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.17, No.1, pp.83-92
2013 Payon Krainuyachan, Worawat Choensawat, and Don Isarakorn: Investigating the Effectiveness of BU WebEx System, KMITL Science and Technology Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2013, pp 22-27
2013 วรวัฒน์ เชิญสวัสดิ์: ระบบการสืบค้นจากเนื้อหาของข้อมูลจับความเคลื่อนไหวของท่าเต้นรำ, วารสารวิชาการสมาคมสถาบันอุดมศึกษาเอกชนแห่งประเทศไทย ฉบับวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี, ปีที่ 1 ฉบับที่ 1, หน้า 30-40, 2013
2012 W. Choensawat and K. Hachimura: "Autonomous Dance Avatar for Generating Stylized Dance Motion from Simple Dance Notations",The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.41 No.4, 2012, pp. 366 - 370
2012 W. Choensawat, W. Choi, and K. Hachimura: "Similarity Retrieval of Motion Capture Data Based on Derivative Features", Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 13-23, January 2012
2010 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, W. Choi, and K. Hachimura: "Description and Reproduction of Stylized Traditional Dance Body Motion by Using Labanotation", Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, Vol.15, No.3, pp.379-388, September 2010
2007 K. Sookhanaphibarn, P. Polsiri, W. Choensawat, Application of neural networks to business bankruptcy analysis in Thailand, International Journal Computational Intelligence Research, Volume/Issue, 3/1 , pp. 91-96, 2007
International Proceedings:
2013/08 Jirawat Chomputawat, Worawat Choensawat, and Don Isarakorn: An Approach for Generating Labanotation from Motion Capture Data, In Proc. International Conference on Engineering,Applied Sciences, and Technology (ICEAST 2013), Thailand, pp. 191-195, 2013
2013/08 Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn, Worawat Choensawat, Chommanad Kijkhun, and Kozaburo Hachimura. “Toward a New Educational Tool for Thai Dance”, The 28th Biennial Conference of the International Council of Kinetography Laban/Labanotation, York University, Toronto, Canada, July 31 to August 7, 2013
2013/07 Worawat Choensawat, Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn, Chommanad Kijkhun, and Kozaburo Hachimura, “Desirability of a Teaching and Learning Tool for Thai Dance Body Motion”, In Proc. of International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2013), Las Vegas, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8013, pp. 171–179, 2013
2012/08 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, and Kozaburo Hachimura and K. Hachimura: "LabaNOHtation: Laban meets Noh", SIGGRAPH 2012, USA, ISBN978-1-4503-1435-0/12/0008, 2012(8)
2012/02 W. Choensawat and K. Hachimura: "Generating Stylized Dance Motion from Labanotation by Using an Autonomous Dance Avatar", In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, GRAPP2012, Rome, Italy, pp. 535--542, Feb 24-26, 2012
2011/10 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, and K. Hachimura: "The Use of Labanotation for Choreographing a Noh-Play", In Proceedings of International Conference on Culture and Computing 2011, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 167- 168, October 20-22, 2011
2011/6 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, and K. Hachimura: "A Labanotation Editing Tool for Description and Reproduction of Stylized Traditional Dance Body Motion", Abstracts of Digital Humanities 2011 (DH2011), Stanford, USA, pp. 296- 299, June 19-22, 2011
2010/6 W. Choensawat, W. Choi, K. Hachimura : Realistic Expression of Body Motion and Environments in LabanEditor; Nicograph International 2010., 2010/6/18-2010/6/19, pp. 49-51, Singapore
2010/3 W. Choensawat, W. Choi, H. Sekiguchi, K. Hachimura: Improved Segmentation of Motion Capture Data using SMOTE; Proceedings of the IEEJ Image Electronics and Visual Computing Workshop 2010,2010/3/5 – 2010/3/7, 4 pages, Nice, France
2009/12 Worawat Choensawat, Woong Choi, and Kozaburo Hachimura: A Quick Filtering for Similarity Queries in Motion Capture Databases; Bangkok, Thailand, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5879, Springer Verlag, pp. 404 – 415, 2009(12)
2009/12 W. Choensawat, K. Hachimura : Segmentation of Motion Capture Data Using Neural Networks;, International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2009, 2009/12/1 – 2009/12/2, National Taiwan University – Taipei, Taiwan
2007 Lakesha L. Ruffin, Frank C. Lin, Worawat Choensawat, Worapat Prireekreng, Kingkarn Sookhanaphibarn: Diagnosis of Children with ADD/ADHD using a Recurrent Hopfield Net; The Third Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications (Shanghai NSA'07)
2006 K. Sookhanaphibarn, P. Polsiri, W. Choensawat, and F. C. Lin "Application of Neural Networks to Business Bankruptcy Analysis in Thailand", Proceeding of The 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'06), October 2-6, 2006.
2006 W. Choensawat, P. Polsiri, and K. Sookhanaphibarn, "Predicting Financial Institution Failure with Financial and Ownership Variables using Logit and Neural Networks: Evidence from the East Asian Crisis",Proceeding of Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 7th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems, (SCIS&ISIS'06), September 20-24, 2006.
National Proceedings:
2012/11 Minako Nakamura, Worawat Choensawat, Kozaburo Hachimura: "The evaluation of LabanEditor3 from a dance researcher's perspective: the case study of Classical Ballet in Labanotation class", Jinmonkon2012 (The computers and the humanities 2012), IPSJ Symposium Series Vol. 2012, No.7, pp. 111-116, Hokkaido University, Japan
2012/12 Worawat Choensawat and Kozaburo Hachimura: Dance-Style Knowledge for Generating Dance Body Motion from Dance Notation, Proc. the 35th Electrical Engineering Conference, EECON35, pp. 366-370, 2012, Thailand
2010/12 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, W. Choi, and K. Hachimura: "Description and Reproduction of Noh Body Motion by Using Labanotation", Jinmonkon2010, IPSJ Symposium Series Vol. 2010, No.15, pp. 285-290, Japan
Academic Workshops:
2010/10 W. Choensawat, W. Choi, and K. Hachimura: “ Data Filtering with Minimal Bounding Envelope for Similarity Retrieval of Motion Capture Data”, The 6th Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics (MPR2010), Kyushu University Ito Campus, Japan, 2010 (Poster)
2010/9 W. Choensawat, S. Takahashi, M. Nakamura, W. Choi, and K. Hachimura: "Description and Reproduction of Stylized Traditional Dance Body Motion by Using Labanotation", The BUAA-Ritsumeikan Workshop on Computer Science and Technology, Beihang University, China, 2010 (Poster)
Biography : Education:
2009 – 2012 Ph.D. in Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan.
2000 – 2002 M.Sc. in Information Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMIT’L), Bangkok, Thailand.
1995 – 1999 B.E. in Civil Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMIT’L), Bangkok, Thailand.
Honor Award:
2011 Bursary Winners Award from Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations in 2011 (Digital Humanities 2011 at Stanford University, USA, in the presentation of “A Labanotation Editing Tool for Description and Reproduction of Stylized Traditional Dance Body Motion”.)
Grants and Scholarships:
Doctoral Program, Ritsumeikan University
2010 Full Tuition scholarship
2010 CREOTECH Scholarship Program for 2010 (Scholarship Programs for International Student in Doctoral Degree)
2011 Half Tuition scholarship
2011 CREOTECH Scholarship Program for 2011 (Scholarship Programs for International Student Doctoral Degree)
2012 CREOTECH Scholarship Program for 2012 (Scholarship Programs for International Student Doctoral Degree)
Global COE program in Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures
2009 -2011 Research Grant for Research Assistant type 1.
2009 – 2012 Ph.D. in Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan.
2000 – 2002 M.Sc. in Information Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMIT’L), Bangkok, Thailand.
1995 – 1999 B.E. in Civil Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMIT’L), Bangkok, Thailand.
Honor Award:
2011 Bursary Winners Award from Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations in 2011 (Digital Humanities 2011 at Stanford University, USA, in the presentation of “A Labanotation Editing Tool for Description and Reproduction of Stylized Traditional Dance Body Motion”.)
Grants and Scholarships:
Doctoral Program, Ritsumeikan University
2010 Full Tuition scholarship
2010 CREOTECH Scholarship Program for 2010 (Scholarship Programs for International Student in Doctoral Degree)
2011 Half Tuition scholarship
2011 CREOTECH Scholarship Program for 2011 (Scholarship Programs for International Student Doctoral Degree)
2012 CREOTECH Scholarship Program for 2012 (Scholarship Programs for International Student Doctoral Degree)
Global COE program in Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Cultures
2009 -2011 Research Grant for Research Assistant type 1.