
D.Eng. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Research Program)


The core requirement of this program is the completion of a substantial research project, which is written up as a thesis. Students are expected to critically investigate an approved topic and to demonstrate an understanding of research methods appropriate to their field.

Students will be working alongside a team of faculty and researchers at the school of engineering on cutting edge-research. Students will be provided with the background needed and comprehensive skills training. Strong emphases are put on communication skills, research methodology and technical writing as well.

Thesis and Research Topics 

  • Optical Communications
  • Software Defined Communication Systems
  • Embedded Systems
  • Image Processing
  • Nano Technologies
  • Sensor Networks
  • Multimedia


Graduation Requirements 

The students must meet the following requirements to graduate with the M.Eng in Electrical and Computer Engineering

  1. Completion all the required courses of the program
  2. Pass all the required Examination (Candidacy, Proposal and Final Defense)
  3. Pass the English qualification test as specified in the program.
  4. Have at least two publication in national or international journals (with peer reviews) in well-known database, i.e., ISI, SciMargo, Elsevier, etc.


Doctor of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering is research-based program. Even though the program is research program, students are required to take some foundation courses such as research methodology, seminar, or other related courses with no credit. In addition, the students are also required to participate in academic events such as academics conferences, symposium, workshop, seminar, and etc.

The curriculum for the doctoral program in Electrical and Computer Engineering are divided into 2 tracks based on previous degree of the students.

Track 1: For students holding master degree level

  • Total Credits 48 Credits
    • Fundamental and Basic Topics (no credits)
      • Research Methodology
      • Seminars
      • Research Fundamental I
      • Research Fundamental II
    • Thesis 48 Credits

Track 2: For students holding Bachelor degree level

  • Total Credits 72 Credits
    • Fundamental and Basic Topics (no credits)
      • Research Methodology
      • Seminars
      • Research Fundamental I
      • Research Fundamental II
    • Thesis 72 Credits

Semester Period

Semester 1 August – December
Semester 2 January – May
Summer Semester (if applicable) June – July


Program Structure
Track 1 For students holding master degree level



Track 2 For students holding Bachelor degree level


Course Descriptions

PL  171  Research Methodology

The course focuses on introducing students to research topics and methodology, including critical thinking, scientific responsibilities, academic ethics, scientific writing, and publication. They will be trained on oral and written technical presentations on individual research, journal articles, or design projects

PL  172  Seminars

The course focuses on how to think and analyze systematically for research and presentation. Also, in this class, students may be required to attend seminars and presentations related to their research topics such as conference presentations and workshops. The student will be required to summarize and present the outcome of his/her experience. Several guest speakers and excursions may be arranged for the students in this class. Moreover, knowledge on entrepreneurship may be included.

PL 173 Research Fundamental I

The course focuses on fundamental knowledge related and necessary for conducting research according to research topics of each or group of student(s).

PL 174 Research Fundamental II
The course focuses on more advanced knowledge related and necessary for conducting research according to research topics of each or group of student(s).

ECE  700  Thesis

The course focuses on independent research work under the guidance of the designated student supervisor related to thesis work. This includes data analysis and thesis preparation.

ECE  800  Thesis

The course focuses on independent research work under the guidance of the designated student supervisor related to thesis work. This includes data analysis and thesis preparation.

Time Limits

For students holding Bachelor degree, all requirements for D.Eng. must be completed by within a minimum period of 4 years and a maximum of 8  years. For student holding Master degree, all requirements for the degree must be completed with a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years.